Day 82: Self-neglect – Eqafe support

Definitely checkout this interview series on self-neglect, you might be surprise to find the many dimensions and signatures of self-neglect. Simple things like brushing your teeth with awareness, eating with awareness, laziness, procrastination, or listening to another, in all such cases the signatures of self-neglect can creep in.

Bottom line, neglecting the inner Being, that’s the root of self-neglect, from there it expands, leading to neglecting of others and self. A moment of breath, slowing down a bit, been with self, even when life is so busy, life and living itself can become the process. When a moment of spark spring up to bring attention to action, listen to it, and even better, just act on it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize self-neglect starts from neglecting the inner Being. Within this I forgive myself for doing anything and everything to distract myself from paying attention to my inner Being.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not slow down, not be attentive to the tasks at hand, in that rush myself to just get thru the day, not seen/realizing all that rushing has the signature of self-neglect.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize rushing thru tasks at hand is self-neglect.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize rushing while eating, without properly chewing the food is self-neglect.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize not listening to another during a conversation is a form of self-neglect.

So I see/realize and understand, self-neglect is not some dramatic or traumatic abuse that self inflict onto self, rather its the rushing, not been here with awareness thru the steps, that contains the subtle signatures of self-neglect.

Not putting the effort and time to prepare a meal for self is self-neglect. Laziness, and procrastination are self-neglect, because at some level self has to ignore the voice of the inner Being, to put off the inner call for action.

And then self-neglect grows, as within so without.

When and as I see myself rushing, I stop I breathe, and remind myself that when I rush I am accessing self-neglect.

I commit myself to see/realize when I ignore the inner call for action, its self-neglect.

I commit myself to see/realize that not nurturing the inner Being is self-neglect.

In taking a breath, in slowing self down, in doing self-forgiveness and writing, I realize I am giving myself few moments, to nurture the inner Being.

When and as I see myself distracting myself with anything and everything that’s not relevant to what’s at hand, I stop I breathe, and I remind myself that I am using distractions to access/live self-neglect.

Knowing what to do, what’s to be done, still finding excuses and justification to avoid them, is pure self-neglect.

I commit myself to be aware, to take note of how I avoid my inner Being, how I use distractions to neglect myself.

I see/realize the simple things like taking a breath with awareness can pull me out of the lethargic self-neglect. In that way, no matter how busy I am, even a moment of breath, can assist me to step out of self-neglect. In that way, Living itself is the process.

Thanks for reading, inspired by #desteni

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